Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 1

[I got my first letter from Paul!! He says he wrote it from the airport. Here is what he has to say:]

Woke up at 0400 today. I was picked up a little after 0500 and we went down to MEPs to get me processed.

While there, I learned that I wouldn't be going to Ft. Knox, but Ft. Jackson instead.

My time was spent mainly checking to make sure everything was in order, and that nothing had changed since I enlisted.

When it came time to ship, they gave us our paperwork (that we had to hold the whole time: no putting it in bags, no doing anything with it:... I'm tired...)

The only other person shipping with me is a girl named Jenna. Luckily, she's not horrible to be around and is actually really cool. I'm going to be sad when we part company.

We flew to Dallas Ft Worth, then from there to Columbia SC. I'm still at the airport, in fact, waiting for the bus.

Jenna, since I'm running out of things to talk about, is sitting next ti me writing a letter to her husband.

I'm tired.

From what I understand, which isn't much, we will be up until tomorrow night. UGH.