Monday, February 15, 2010

February 7, 2010

This week was insanely busy. We went to the range almost very day. The exception was on... Thursday I believe it was. We went to the shooting simulator that day for out first experience at engaging multiple pop up targets. It was fun. That simulator impresses the hell out of me. It's amazing how far technology has brought us!

When we marched to the sim, we passed a bunch of people graduating. They were with their families and all that. It really made me miss my loved ones. But, there are only 5 or so weeks left that's only 5 more Sundays!

On Friday, we had a really crappy day. It was raining and it was cold. We had to shoot while lying down in that crap. I think a lot of people are now sick because of that.

Basic is still flying past. I'm surprised about that, to be honest. I'm surprised because I'm still with the same people. We are all bickering and testy with each other, but are able to pull together for the most part when we need to. As far as bickering though, the males can't hold a candle to the females! They are constantly at everyone's throat. They don't even need a reason to get nasty with everyone... they just are.

I have to believe that there is one in every platoon... or company at least, but there is a guy in my platoon that reminds me of Lawrence (aka Gomer Pyle) from Full Metal Jacket. He's a nice enough guy... sounds just like Bill Clinton when he talks, but he just can't do anything right. We all try to help hi,, but he doesn't take us seriously. Yesterday we all got haircuts and went to the crappiest PX ever. We all bought what we needed. (Some people bought like $200 worth of crap), and left. Well wouldn't you know it! Gomer Pyle left his rifle (a brand new M4) at the PX, which was now closed! To say the Drill Sergeant was upset is an understatement. She let him simmer for a while, then gave him his rifle (she picked it up when she saw it sitting there) along with Big Bertha. Big Bertha is a huge M-16 that weighs like 40 pounds. They give it to people that forget/lose their weapons.

That's pretty much all that is going on at basic right now! White phase is all about shooting weapons, and this part (getting ready to qualify) is pretty boring. We do the same thing day in day out.

Stay tuned for the next installment!